Another challenging project just finished! We’ve delivered 1681mm steel spacer to join 2 separated units. Just to let you know, we’re able to provide you any size spacers, made of steel, aluminium ...
We’re proud to announce we’ve started a new business agreement with company Couptec and currently we’re their exclusive representative. We’re hoping it’s just a beginning of a very long and success...
We're very excited and full of hope to present you our NEW ONLINE SHOP! The most important updates: more intuitive and better organized design product filters and smart search engine new functional...
Great news! At Lindis, innovation is in our blood, that’s why and in recognition of all our efforts, the Ministry of Science and Innovation in Spain has awarded us with the “INNOVATIVE SME” stamp. ...
Have you seen already our newest catalogue of timing belts? We have it updated and modernised. You can check it in the link below: New Ydins Catalogue Have a good reading!
We are proud to announce we have adopted new jointing technology. Its main advantages: - non metalic - easy installation - major flexibility
Our daily effort has been already rewarded. The project "LINDISGEST - DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" has obtained the Technological Innovation certificate. The main objective of...
The REOclean DARK BLUE belts are the best alternative to replace the conveyor belts. Important advantages: Antihydrolysis properties of the material reduce the waviness on the edges of the homogen...
Lindis has incorporated a new advanced technology, allowing us to have your wished PU timing belt, with the coatings and cleats required, in a shorter period of time. Our PU timing belts can be co...
Once again, Lindis attended the Hannover Messe to present along with its commercial partners the new technology that will become an important part in the construction of the future new equipment. H...
Along with our technological partner, Dispromedia, and his CMS Ebasnet, we are proud to launch the newest version of our Corporative website, which will be more modern, renovated and useful. Our p...
Starting his business in 1994, Lindis reaches its twenty-fifth anniversary in full conditions to face the challenge of being a benchmark in its field for the next decades. Basing its business on 3 ...